Category Archives: Poverty

Chef James Thanks Hotes Foundation for Thriving Food Program in Haiti

Update from Chef James!

"‪‎Haiti‬ is a country where agriculture is the most important section in our economy, representing 26% of our GDP. In a period of six months, with the help of the Hotes Foundation Volunteers, our village has grown and harvested our own food! What was once barren land is now producing tomatoes, spinach, watermelons, cantaloupes, okra, eggplants, corn, sweet potatoes and beets. The food we grow is what I use to feed 500 people daily! Thanks Richard Hotes for all you have done continuously for Haiti!”

Carolyn C. Bishop and Hotes Foundation Saves Malnourished Babies in Haiti

The Hotes Foundation saves malnourished babies from remote mud hut villages. Here is a picture of Kevinson and I this month in Haiti. We are chronicling his story this week!!!