Category Archives: Poverty

Hotes Foundation Opens Permanent Healthcare Clinic in Haiti

PERMANENT HEALTHCARE CLINIC OPENS IN MUD HUT VILLAGE IN HAITI! Big news! Hotes Foundation volunteers returned from ‪‎Haiti‬ this week where they were on hand in a small mud hut village outside of Port-au-Price for the opening of the Foundation’s newly constructed and permanent healthcare clinic. Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, patient navigators, and administrative managers can now treat...

Hotes Feeding Program in Haiti

Our feeding program gardens in ‪‎Haiti‬ are growing like lightning with the ‪rain‬ in ‪‎April‬. Just nine days between the first picture and today’s harvest. ‪Malnutrition‬ doesn’t stand a chance in this Hotes Foundation village!...

Hotes Foundation Daycare in Haiti

Thank you Pamela Arciniega for the beautiful stuffed toys you gifted the children of the Hotes Foundation Daycare in Haiti, and thank you to your son Vito, Hotes Foundation volunteer, for hand delivering them. The kids are still smiling!

Hotes Foundation Brings Two 1,000 Gallon Tanks of Drinking Water to Haiti

Before and after photos from Hotes Foundation Haiti‬ staff member Diego!

"The first picture below shows where villagers were getting water to drink (from puddles). They use to push animals (cows, goats, and sheep) away from the puddles so they would not urinate in them in order to be able to use the water for drinking. Getting clean drinking water was one of the biggest problems villagers had to live with before the Hotes Foundation arrived and brought (2) 1,000 gallon water tanks to use for drinking water. Now villagers do not have to walk miles to get water that is not even suitable for drinking."