Recent Posts by marketeer

A Haitian Thanksgiving

With leftovers from last week all but gone, and thoughts turning toward Christmas, the Hotes Foundation wanted to pause just long enough to share these Thanksgiving feast photos sent to us from the mud-hut village in rural Haiti we’ve been assisting. 700 villagers turned out dressed in their finest as Chef James and his staff cooked...

Giving more than a meal, blessing shelters with tradition!

At 5am on the Eve of Thanksgiving, Hotes Foundation volunteers loaded up trucks with over 8,000 pounds of food. Hotes volunteers distributed 322 turkey dinners with all the fixings to local women’s shelters in Seattle, hoping to provide a sense of normalcy and tradition to the city’s homeless women and children. Each dinner donated by...

Hotes Foundation Salutes & Thanks Veterans!

This Veterans Day the Hotes Foundation salutes all the brave men and women who have fought to protect our freedom. In their honor, we have committed to donating and personally delivering 100 tracked wheelchairs to wounded Veterans all over the country, giving back to these selfless soldiers the freedom they deserve and the ability to...

Q & A with a Young Track Chair Volunteer

Alex Arciniega is a bright, cheerful, energetic 17-year-old college freshman. Her sister, Roxanne, is a boisterous, funny, 12-year-old middle school student. This past summer, both girls volunteered with the Hotes Foundation to deliver specially designed tracked wheelchairs to five wounded veterans. It was Roxanne’s second time as a track chair volunteer, and Alex’s first. Along...

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