Recent Posts by marketeer

Newly Shaded Playground Brings Fun & Fitness to Kids in Haiti!

It’s high noon on another sun-soaked, 95-degree day in Haiti, and the playground is packed. Three-year-old Richie puts on his sunglasses and hops behind the wheel of a metal toy car. His classmates are going crazy today- jumping off benches, flying off the spinning wheel, dangling from the jungle gym. Richie’s never seen anything like this before,...

English Garden in a Haitian Mud-Hut Village

New grass, iron benches, blooming flowers, a wooden fence, and a hand-painted gate. These are commonplace items among the parks & gardens of the United States, but for a poverty-stricken mud hut village in Haiti, they’ve never been seen before. But that’s no longer the case in Lake Azuie village, where this past weekend Hotes Foundation...

Harvest Time In Haiti!

Over the weekend, volunteers from the Haitian mud hut village harvested 480 pieces of Cassava from the village garden managed by Hotes Foundation Haitian staff and volunteers. Cassava is a root plant very similar to potatoes except that it's also high in vitamins, & minerals like Vitamin C, zinc and magnesium. Volunteer farmers from the village...

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